11 December 2014, De nieuwe privacywetgeving van de Europese Commissie en de impact ervan op Uw organisatie, SAI Avondconferentie

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De Europese Commissie heeft haar plannen voor de nieuwe Europese privacyregels gepresenteerd. Bedrijven en organisaties die persoonsgegevens verwerken krijgen onder de nieuwe verordening een grotere verantwoordelijkheid. In deze sessie leggen wij de belangrijkste ‘deliverables’ en doelen van de wetgeving uit en gaan wij dieper in op de vraag hoe bedrijven en organisaties hierdoor beïnvloed zullen worden.Voorts bespreken wij een aanpak, gebaseerd op bestaande en nieuwe technologieën, die U op weg moeten helpen naar volledige ‘operational compliance’. En tot slot wordt een ‘roadmap’ uitgerold welke U moet toelaten om tijdig (2016) in regel te zijn met de nieuwe wetgeving.


Christoph Balduck


Avondconferenties zijn enkel toegankelijk voor SAI persoonlijke leden en SAI bedrijfsleden en worden voor hen gratis ingericht.

Locatie: Crowne Plaza Antwerpen, Antwerpen
Datum: 11-12-2014 (20:00 – 21:30)

Want to know more about the subject. Christoph wrote a blog

Registreren kan via de website van SAI


Information Governance Exchange, 17 – 19 November 2014, Berlin

The Information Governance Exchange (17 – 19 November 2014, Berlin) provides senior information governance with a platform to benchmark with their peers from highly regulated corporations across Europe. With a proactive approach to data now becoming a vital part of their strategy; attendees of this event will be keen to explore the opportunities available to allow them to make more informed decisions and drive profitability for their organisations at the same time as minimising risk.

The Inpuls team will be present at this great event.

Click here to find out more about joining the Information Governance Exchange: http://bit.ly/1rzd395


20 november, 2014, Informatica Day Belux, Keynote “From Data tragedy to Information Strategy” by Jan Henderyckx, Groot-Bijgaarden

Jan will keynote at the Informatica Day Belux on november 20th 2014.

“From Data tragedy to Information Strategy, making your organisation information centric”

Not looking at the data in your organisation as an asset often means that you leave a huge potential untapped which your competitor could turn into a advantage. The internet of things and data that is harder to obtain value from (also called Big Data) is a reality that every business model is faced with. Poor information management indeed leads to data tragedy if you don’t take action. The answer is not just a capability discussion but requires a mindset change at all levels in the organisation.

  • Defining what information is relevant for your business model?
  • Making it happen, the steps you need to take to succeed.
  • Convincing your management to act
  • A practical roadmap

November 7th 2014, Information Governance and Quality Ireland, Dublin, Ireland


Internationally renowned tutors

This conference features 3 globally renowned tutors with almost a combined century of experience between them in all aspects of Information Management.
Add our morning speakers to the mix and this is a great learning event!

Connecting the Dots Strategically

No other conference in Ireland features experts in Information Quality, Data Governance, and Data Protection on the same agenda. Learn how to "connect the dots" during the course of the day.

Afternoon workshop by Jan Henderyckx

The Marker Hotel Dublin
Grand Canal Dock
Dublin 2

Register here

March 3-4, 2015, Seminar “Defining and Executing Your Information Strategy”, IRMUK London

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Many studies have indicated that we have evolved from the age of automation to the information age. Proper information management and insights have become a linchpin that act as a catalyst for the execution of your business strategies. Information can be supporting or defining your business model. Having the data in your organisation is not enough as the true value comes from your ability to turn the data into operational information and insights that allow you to create business value and make strategic and tactical decisions. Aligning your information requirements with strategic business objectives is critical.

The information strategy sets the direction but the route is long and winding. Information governance assures the shared meaning, attitudes and capabilities are consistent with the information and insight risk and value.

Increasing operational complexity and data volumes in today’s organisations often result in unacceptable data quality, escalating costs and redundant development efforts. Information governance is a set of processes for the overall management of the availability, usability, integrity and security of the information assets in an enterprise. Thereby ensuring that information and insights can be trusted and that people can be made accountable for any adverse event that happens because of quality or interpretation problems.

Do you recognise that information is a business asset but do you struggle to setup the proper roles, processes and architectural principles to manage the information asset?

This two day seminar and workshop teaches you how you can turn your organisation around and make it information centric delivering on the promise of accurate and trusted business information.

Learning Objectives

  • Learn how to engage your business and have them take the lead and recognise the value of information.
  • Learn how to adapt the organisation to make information centric
  • Learn how to establish an information governance organisation
  • Learn how to manage speech communities and business vocabularies
  • Learn how to align your IT with your information strategy
  • Get more value out of your MDM projects
  • Learn how to redefine your Business Intelligence architecture
  • Learn how to get the benefits of Big Data
  • Select the proper Enterprise Information platform to support your information strategy


Jan Henderyckx


etc.venues Paddington
57 North Wharf Rd
Paddington Basin, London, W2 1LA
Sales: 020 7989 0590
Switchboard: 020 7989 0590
Email: paddington@etcvenues.co.uk


Register On-line:

3-4 March 2015

Download brochure

IRM UK Seminars 2014-2015 Brochure

September 25-26, 2014, Seminar “Defining and Executing Your Information Strategy”, London


Many studies have indicated that we have evolved from the age of automation to the information age. Proper information management and insights have become a linchpin that act as a catalyst for the execution of your business strategies. Information can be supporting or defining your business model. Having the data in your organisation is not enough as the true value comes from your ability to turn the data into operational information and insights that allow you to create business value and make strategic and tactical decisions. Aligning your information requirements with strategic business objectives is critical.

The information strategy sets the direction but the route is long and winding. Information governance assures the shared meaning, attitudes and capabilities are consistent with the information and insight risk and value.

Increasing operational complexity and data volumes in today’s organisations often result in unacceptable data quality, escalating costs and redundant development efforts. Information governance is a set of processes for the overall management of the availability, usability, integrity and security of the information assets in an enterprise. Thereby ensuring that information and insights can be trusted and that people can be made accountable for any adverse event that happens because of quality or interpretation problems.

Do you recognise that information is a business asset but do you struggle to setup the proper roles, processes and architectural principles to manage the information asset?

This two day seminar and workshop teaches you how you can turn your organisation around and make it information centric delivering on the promise of accurate and trusted business information.

Learning Objectives

  • Learn how to engage your business and have them take the lead and recognise the value of information.
  • Learn how to adapt the organisation to make information centric
  • Learn how to establish an information governance organisation
  • Learn how to manage speech communities and business vocabularies
  • Learn how to align your IT with your information strategy
  • Get more value out of your MDM projects
  • Learn how to redefine your Business Intelligence architecture
  • Learn how to get the benefits of Big Data
  • Select the proper Enterprise Information platform to support your information strategy


Jan Henderyckx


etc.venues Paddington
57 North Wharf Rd
Paddington Basin, London, W2 1LA
Sales: 020 7989 0590
Switchboard: 020 7989 0590
Email: paddington@etcvenues.co.uk


Register On-line:

25-26 September 2014

Download brochure

IRM UK Seminars 2014-2015 Brochure

December 9th 2014, “Optimaliseer uw Informatiestrategie en Informatie Governance”, Adept Events

December 9th 2014
Hotel Lapershoek, Hilversum, Nederland
Workshop: “Optimaliseer uw Informatiestrategie en Informatie Governance”

[button url=”http://www.adeptevents.nl/Agenda/80038/Informatiestrategie-en-Data-Governance-(3)” size=”small” scroll_to=”false”]More info and registration[/button]

December 10, 2014, “Master Data Management in de praktijk”, Adept events

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December 10, 2014
Hotel Lapershoek, Hilversum, Nederland
Workshop: “Master Data Management in de praktijk”

[button url=”http://www.adeptevents.nl/Agenda/80058/Master-Data-Management-Fundamentals-and-Best-P-(7)” size=”small” scroll_to=”false”]More info and registration[/button]

4th June 2014, “Master Data Management in de praktijk”, Adept events

4th June 2014
Hotel Lapershoek, Hilversum, Nederland
Workshop: “Master Data Management in de praktijk”

[button url=”http://www.adeptevents.nl/Agenda/79650/Master-Data-Management-Fundamentals-and-Best-P-(6)” size=”small” scroll_to=”false”]More info and registration[/button]

IRMUK Data Governance Europe 2014

Practical Approaches and Success Stories and Master Data Management Summit Europe 2014
19-21 May 2014, Radisson Blu Portman Hotel, London, UK

Pre-Conference Workshop – May 19th 2014
“A Proposal for Information Governance Working Model and Roles”

Conference Day One – May 20th 2014
Conference Opening by Jan Henderyckx
Panelist: The role of the CDO in an Organisation
PLENARY KEYNOTE Panelist: Next Generation MDM – When/How much Big Data, Social, Mobile & Cloud?

Conference Day Two – May 21st 2014
Presentation: Making the Business Case for Information Governance
Panelist: Data Stewardship