july, 2015

27julallday28DAMA SA 3rd Annual Data Management ConferenceVODAWORLD Conference Centre, Midrand Event Organized By: DAMA South Africa


Event Details

With the ever-growing need for data to be managed and become the corporate asset of any data savvy organisation DAMA SA has chosen ‘Data is the new currency’ as it’s theme for 2015. The aim of this two day conference is to encourage DM practitioners to explore, evolve and enrich the way they manage data by providing access to many international and local thought-leaders as well as companies who have been or are becoming successful in their drive to raise the level of data.

Jan Henderyckx will give the following presentations at the event:

Keynote: Taking Information Governance to the Next Level: Creating an Information Centric Organisation
Half day workshop: Keeping your CDO in his seat, creating a sustainable information ecosystem.
Full day workshop: Defining and executing your information strategy


july 27 (Monday) - 28 (Tuesday)


VODAWORLD Conference Centre, Midrand

082 Vodacom Blvd, Midrand, 1685, south-africa


DAMA South Africainfo@dama.org.za